Around the Bend

I journeyed north to Oregon (rhymes with Octogon) to see the snow, which is a form of powdered water. The inhabitants are called The Oregon and share many characteristics with people. Their dwellings and attendant furnishings are built to a scale familiar to us and many of The Oregon have some facility with verbal communications. You would have no trouble getting along should you happen to visit.

The native clothing of The Oregon is based on tubes. They construct thin sheets from plant fibers, then fashion them into tubes. Two tubes for the lower extremities, two tubes for the upper and one tube for the torso. Many of The Oregon take great care to differentiate themselves and establish a social hierarchy by modifying their tube clothes in different ways and adorning themselves with shiny objects. Fascinating!

Nostalgic placemat from a roadside diner.
Dined at a roadside diner…the last opportunity before entering the territory of The Oregon.
An interesting bar and cafe frequented by The Oregon. Did you notice the seating made from ski lift chairs? Creative!
It is fashionable to provide outdoor seating, but these designers overlooked the fact that no one, not even The Oregon, want to sit around in the bitter cold. Consequently, these plazas are unused. Wasteful!
Xena, the Warrior Princess, relaxes after a day walking through the ice and snow.
Before a tragic log milling incident, Bend was a town. Now it is just a pit stop for tourists. Here is the epicenter of the horrific incident, involving this wrecked apparatus.
It is one of the constant irritants of modern life that newts are confused with lizards. Is it really so hard to learn the correct names of animals?
The cold arrives so quickly in Oregon that animals are quick frozen, like these two antlered cows. This increases their risk of predation.
Pools for every taste! Hot tubs, warm pools and an ice bath! Who could want for more?