Xena, Warrior Princess, Stashes Her Toys

Xena, Warrior Princess, hides her toys in my shoes.

In an unanticipated development, Xena, Warrior Princess, has opted to hide her toys in my shoes. When I first discovered a pebble, one of her favorite toys, in my shoe, I assumed some sort of accident placed it there. Now, however, I have found a micro-tennis ball. She clearly is trying to hobble me so I’ll stay home with her.

3 Replies to “Xena, Warrior Princess, Stashes Her Toys”

  1. I’m saddened to learn that now that you have another mouth to feed, you cannot afford a second pair of shoes. Perhaps a cheap pair of flip-flops from Walgreens?

    1. Lol, she has so many toys that I would need an Imelda Marcos-size shoe collection.

      1. Pretty kitty soft kitty, little ball of fur. Soft kitty, pretty kitty, purr, purr purr!

        You and Sheldon have something in common!

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