The Mojave Transit

The first leg of the Grand Adventure involved a transit of the Mojave (pronounced Moe Ha Veh, accent on the middle) Desert. After departing the Oakland Bay Area and overnighting in Bakersfield, I entered the inhospitable domain of the desert, which, to the surprise of many, was neither hot nor dry! The temps were bitterly cold, dipping as low as 40F degrees! The rainfall became so severe that windshield wiper use was necessary. Conditions extremified as I passed through Yucca Valley; the rain turned to slushy rain and actual snow flakes. Rapidly devolving into a an epic man-versus-nature contest, the situation required application of all available technology and native driving skill. Ha! Man wins!

Relaxing in the jot tub.

So far, road tripping as a way of life is agreeable


5 Replies to “The Mojave Transit”

  1. Pronunciation lessons are greatly appreciated by those of us who are less experienced in the ways extremified place names are pronounced.

    As your professor of places, I note your having learned lessons to your benefit as a wanderer and raconteur.

    Xena was the star of the video and not even awake.

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