Capitol Reef National Park. Who knew?

Did you know there is such a thing as a Capitol Reef National Park? Of course, you didn’t, because no one has heard of it before. It is worth a (short) visit if you’re in the neighborhood. Pretty drive, big rocks. They dubbed it Capitol Reefs NP as some of the rock formations look like a capitol dome and some of them looked like reefs. I suppose it is better than Big Red Cliffs National Park, but only by a little.

A lonely roadway into the lonely National Park. Except I wasn’t lonely, cuz I had a cat.
These are a fine example of the reefs part of the National Park. Some imagination is required. Because reefs are supposed to have fishes. And octopi.
Big red cliff threatens to end the road.
As a special bonus for you, dear reader, a picture of a cat. Just because this post is a little boring. Look at how dirty her paws are. She loves digging in the dirt. And bringing it all into the van.

2 Replies to “Capitol Reef National Park. Who knew?”

  1. I only read your posts because of Xena. Please write some articles in her voice. We want to know what she’s thinking and planning. Cats always have a plan.

  2. I agree with Ray that Xena is a highlight of learning of Dennis’s tripping through the Southwestern big rocks. Do aquatic fossils count as marine life? Perhaps the reefs show evidence of once having been submerged.

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