Ah! Beautiful Rio Grande Gorge!

Everyone thinks of the Rio Grande as the ditch separating the US from Mexico, but it has another life, far upstream. Flowing down from Colorado into New Mexico, the Rio Grande has carved an immense gorge, second only to the Grand Canyon. It is beautiful and serene, quiet and isolated. Also only 20 minutes from the dubious civilization of Taos, New Mexico. Did you know Kit Carson lived and died there? He did, and they named a national forest in his honor. Perhaps, if you moved there and died there, you would get a national forest named for you, too!

The Rio Grande Gorge. Awesome and deadly. Some ambitious anglers test the trail to tempt tiny trout.
Minuscule and lonely, pine trees eke out a living from these stingy, unhelpful rocks.
An idyllic campsite perched on the rim of the gorge. Scenic, with views both near and far. Xena, the Warrior Princess, enjoyed exploring the rocks and charging the impertinent ground squirrels dwelling therein.

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