¡Sunny Puerto Vallarta!

A short excursion to the sunny beaches—enough of the rain already! It seem a little weird traveling without a cat and a van, but both had to stay home this time.

PV is a fun place to visit, with all the things you’d expect to find in an emerging economy. Long known as a mecca for tourists and North Americans wanting to live abroad, PV hosts tons of great restaurants and bars, many of which I sampled. It is crowded, just teeming with people from all over. I think Mexicans may be a minority here. There are four primary activities here: eating, drinking, napping and walking on the seashore. The walking is free, napping depends on your choice of accommodations, eating & drinking are a third of US prices.

Mexicans love to dance! Here you see a couple in fine form.
They have a all-ages rocking horse pavilion, the only one of its type known to exist. There are rocking horses for every size and shape.
In Puerto Vallarta, they have short, squat lighthouses tended by short, squat keepers.
Here’s a towering Church of the Unwed Mother. They have them everywhere! Very handy when you need to make a quick confession.

Beautiful sunset over the Pacific, boats await tomorrow’s labors, children play in the surf.
Xena, the Warrior Princess, does not appreciate being left behind.


4 Replies to “¡Sunny Puerto Vallarta!”

  1. I’m enjoying your travels: I get to see exotic places and experience interesting activities while eating my own food, drinking my own wine, napping in my own bed, and walking on the edge of respectability in San Francisco.

  2. You narratives are highly descriptive and equally entertaining. You could be a travel writer in publication.

    1. I left the cat on the boat with a caretaker. She didn’t appreciate it much.

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