London I

QM2 arrived right on schedule, early on the 28th. Since I (alone amongst the passengers) could handle my own luggage, I had leave to disembark as soon as the gangway was rigged. Taxis were lined up waiting; one whisked me to the train station. The train was standing by, I boarded and we were off through the green, green countryside.

Arrived at Waterloo Station, London, crossed the street to the Union Jack Club. The front desk said I could check in early, which was very fortunate. I hadn’t slept well the night before, a combination of pre-disembarkation jitters and the couple in the adjoining stateroom having an unhealthy amount of sex. So…I went immediately to bed.

I should mention that the Union Jack Club is a private club, membership limited to enlisted members of the UK military. I got to stay because I’m a member of the Marines Memorial Association in San Francisco…we have reciprocal privileges. It is not fancy, but its clean and nice, with its own bar and restaurant. It’s location is ideal for exploring London.

On my first 5-mile stroll through London, I visited Covent Gardens. There are no gardens at all! It’s a shopping mall. Interesting, though, and worth a visit. I lunched at the Punch and Judy, where the puppet concept was born.
I visited the Transport Museum and was awe-struck by the number of people swarming the place. I could see that reviewing the historical development of public transit would interest wonky nerds, but I had no idea that all of the British are wonky nerds!
Check out this traditional London black cab! Only vehicle in the world purpose-built as a cab! Here, the toddler is reviewing the finer points of design and construction with its parents. Mastery of these critical concepts is required for entry to kindergarten.
Although not in the Transport Museum, this curious object was found on a nearby street. The explanatory signs were basically word salad, making no sense. “Operator calls” “Dial tone” “20p” Archeologists from Kings College London are puzzling it out.


7 Replies to “London I”

  1. What was going on in the square, in the top pic? How long are you staying in England?

    1. Some street performer was cracking a bullwhip! Every open square or park in London is packed.

  2. Are you sad to have the sea voyage end so soon? London is quite a consolation. Good that you are able to professionally assess the Transport Museum. Is this what is known as a busman’s holiday? The Union Jack Club is a perfect place for a Yankee Jack.

  3. Excellent. Leaving tomorrow for 3 days in the mountains around Sonoma with the 15 year old twins. Back on Saturday.

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