Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Note: I found this draft post from a while back. I guess I forgot to press the publish button. I think I may also have forgotten to finish it.

A beautiful, twisty road leads to Carlsbad Caverns.

We found a dispersed camp site just 30 minutes from the park gate. It was a rough and rocky road to get there. Xena surveils the environment, keeping a steady watch.

The Caverns are 750 feet below the surface. Visitors can either hike down a switchback trail or take an elevator (the elevator is required for all on the return trip). The photos can’t convey the beauty and enormity of the caverns. You have to make the trip and see for yourself.

4 Replies to “Carlsbad Caverns National Park”

  1. It’s really cool there, I haven’t been there in years but I might go back some day!

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