Johnson Space Flight Center Gets a Visit

To the south of Houston, Texas, lies the storied Johnson Space Flight Center (its new name omits the “Flight,” but I prefer the archaic name). From here, NASA directed the training of astronauts and the conduct of mission from Mercury through the International Space Station and now to new missions like Orion and who knows what else.

The visitor center is aimed at school-age people, mildly interesting, but well-done for that audience. I liked the displays of the costumes astronauts wore.

Of greater interest to me was the tour of the Apollo Mission Control Center, painstakingly restored its appearance in 1969 for the first moon landing…even down to the color of the carpets and the upholstery on the galley reserved for astronauts’ family members.

All in all, a good day invested. Especially when I ended the day on my own private beach.

5 Replies to “Johnson Space Flight Center Gets a Visit”

  1. If you’re heading east to Florida, go to the Space Coast and visit Cape Canaveral. One of the most impressive historic places I’ve visited and they offer great tours and info.

  2. I think my favorite line is about you liking the spacesuits 😀 And I’m curious if being alone on the beach felt earthy and at-home or almost other-worldly.

    1. I think it seemed a little of both. My van-house is very cozy…almost womb-like…and makes everywhere seem like home. The cat loved it on the beach. She could dig holes and stalk imaginary prey in the tall grasses.

  3. You are making the most of your wanderlust. Since retiring, you have mastered the sea and now the land. Is a space visit next?

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