Manzanar, American Concentration Camps

Manzanar is the internment camp in bleak, desolate Owens Valley, California, that housed Americans of Japanese ancestry during War World II. The site is now a National Historic Site, but there’s not much left to see. Survivors received $20,000 from the Federal Government in reparations. The curious can read more about it:

Sign at the front gate of the Manzanar Ware Relocation Center.

4 Replies to “Manzanar, American Concentration Camps”

  1. No matter that the rude shacks that housed the internees are no longer standing, the site in its remoteness and desolation tells the story. It is good that you bring these places to our attention.

  2. A tragic bit of history. A rather spectacular setting in which to be imprisoned which might have been some consolation.

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