Marvelous Marfa, Texas

On the recommendation of friends, I examined the tiny village of Marfa, Texas. This plucky place houses artists specializing in psychedelics and makers of soap. It is a great place, and, if you’re ever miles from nowhere, stop in.

The real gem is a place to stay, but I don’t have a word for it, They call themselves El Cosmico. You can camp there in your own tent, sleep in your vehicle (like I did), or rent a yurt or tipi or vintage travel trailer. They have wood-fired hot tubs! And an interesting gift shop with Wi-Fi. I met a Canadian there who had a husky named Sitka. Sitka and Zena, the Warrior Princess cat, had a great time staring at each other.

If that weren’t enough, there is an architectural treasure known as the Hotel Paisano. Beautiful 1930s architecture, built around a central courtyard with a fountain, artisanal details everywhere. It was designed by the nearly-great architect Henry Trost.  Go and stay for a long weekend. It won’t quite be worth the trip, but you’ll have a fine story to tell upon your return to civilization.

The Hotel Paisano. James Dean stayed here, along with whats-her-face and the other guy, for the filming of Giant. I filched the pic from their web site.
El Cosmico has vintage travel trailers with alluring eyes. I’m told the eyes keep watch while you sleep and ward off evil.
If you wish, you can stay in a tipi and reflect on the genocide that has resulted in our current society. They didn’t have to worry about climate change, because they didn’t destroy their environment for the profit of a few. LOL, what a bunch of tree hugging weirdos.
For some reason, Marfonians built an elaborate edifice to house their civil servants. Very pretty and imposing. By design.

4 Replies to “Marvelous Marfa, Texas”

  1. Dennis, you are amazing! Wildly good writer and hilariously twisted mind. I continue to enjoy every city through your delightful curiosity. Thank you for taking us all to
    places that should be visited by our more enduring friends! Safe travels! xo KC

  2. Hi Dennis. We are really enjoying your humorous postings. You tell the truth with a little laugh. Interesting observation about the surly inhabitants if Florida. Musy have gfot it from a certain blond golf player.

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