Millicent Rogers Museum

Millicent Rogers was a fancy, highfalutin socialite and heir to a bunch of the Standard Oil fortune. She made the rounds at galas and parties in New York and graced the society pages. Twice married, then had an affair with Clark Gable. He broke up with her, she turned pouty and moved to Taos, New Mexico. While there, she became a huge patron of Native American artists, bought tons of their work and died.

Now her house is the Millicent Rogers Museum, where a portion of her collection is on display. Very interesting and beautiful work, some quite old.

This dainty ornament is an example of the waterfall design and is sprinkled with rainbow moonstones. They aren’t really moonstones, though.
Imagine all of the work required to select these matched stones and arrange them with such meticulous care.
Simple and elegant in front, fine filigree on the back.
A pretty gold Greek Orthodox cross. One wonders how the Catholic imperialists allowed the artist to create such a thing.
This little mirror has too much frame, not enough mirror.
This black cross has gold inlays. Except…its not gold! They cleverly prepare wheat straw and corn husks, making it look like gold.
Millicent was fond of old things. She used this pot, 2,000 years old, for her cosmetics.


2 Replies to “Millicent Rogers Museum”

  1. Exquisite photos of exquisite pieces of hand crafted art jewelry.
    I read that Clark Gable had halitosis.
    You’re visiting at the perfect season. Not so hot and still dry.

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