
Sundays in Paris are chilly and very windy, there is also a chance of rain showers. It is not unreasonably inclement as long as you have proper clothing. The weather Mondays through Wednesdays improves a bit, although a jacket is still required in the early mornings and evenings. Keep these points in mind as you plan your trip here.

The French, at least those in Paris, are intuitive to the point of being psychic. When I speak French to them, they somehow divine that I’m an English speaker and switch immediately to accommodate me! Incroyable!

The Parisienne sidewalk cafe is neither myth nor exaggeration. One can hardly take a dozen steps without passing yet another cafe! By my observation, there are about 1,000 cafes for every grocery store; one does not eat at home in Paris.

It is safe to stroll through Paris. I suppose it must have some rough areas, like all major cities. But average tourists will not find themselves there. Never once did I feel the tug of intuition saying “Maybe I shouldn’t be here.”

Paris has many bridges. That’s why it is known as the City of Bridges. Current projections indicate the entire river will be covered with bridges by Bastille Day, 2039.
I visited this old church. The French chipped in nearly a billion euros to re-build it after a fire. I suspect new construction would have been more cost effective.
I had the standard French rations for lunch one day.
The French are enamored, almost to the point of being obsessed, with the letter “N.” You’ll find it plastered all over bridges, buildings and plumbing fixtures.
Paris has an enormous collection of old cannons, prettily decorated with inspirational motifs. I discovered these at the Musée d l’Armée (Army Museum).
City planners thoughtfully reserved large swaths of land for future infill development.
Heedless of the danger, Paris places gasoline stations underground!


4 Replies to “Paris”

  1. So I looked up the connection between “N” and Paris. After managing to avoid “‘Niggas in Paris'” (edited for radio as ‘In Paris’ or simply ‘Paris’; censored on the album as ‘Ni**as in Paris’) is a song by American rappers Jay-Z and Kanye West….” Napoleon III was sufficiently admired to have his insignia bestowed on Pont Saint-Michel bridge.
    The French never let an American practice their French on them. It’s beneath their dignity. Enough to have the hordes over run the city and to be tolerated only for their support of the cafes.
    That said, wish I was there.

  2. La Vie Parisienne! TheCity of Light! How lovely to stroll the boulevards and sample the cuisine of the cafes! I’m so envious–Bon Appetit and Toujour Lamour Parisienne

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