See Forever from the Pines

Driving east through the far-east of California, I made an amazing discovery! As you probably know, Hwy 168 skirts the northern boundary of Death Valley. What I doubt you realized as you passed by, however, is the existence of some of the oldest living things on the planet. I call them “bristlecone pines.”

This is one of many specimens of the bristlecone pines. They’ve lived in this dry, high-altitude locale for thousands of years.
The pines have stunning views of a basin enclosed on all sides by mountains. What little rain falls here remains, with no route to the sea. Sad.
These delicate flowers want only to bring beauty to a harsh and unforgiving world. Just like me.
Here are the seed carriers of the bristlecone pine.

3 Replies to “See Forever from the Pines”

  1. For whatever reason, of which there are many possibilities, I have not ever seen you as a delicate flower wanting only to bring beauty to a harsh and unforgiving world. Beauty, yes, delicate, no. Meaning this in the best sense, while comparing the image of the delicate flower with that of the bristlecone pine seed carrier, I would pair you with the latter.

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