Southwest Romp

Took another trip through the Southwest, concentrating on southern Utah and northern New Mexico. I was again struck by the similarities between cruising on a sailboat and road tripping in a camper van. Both have moments of serene calm and awe inspiring scenery. And both require repairs of various components in remote locations.

Pretty scenery accompanied by the comforting tones of suitable tunes. Turn it up.

Xena, the Warrior Princess, loves to dig holes and she’s good at it. And not just for pooping! Sometimes she lays in them. Sometimes she digs for the sheer joy of it and wanders off.

More red rocks. Poor sound quality. Turn it down.

We had snow at 10,000 feet in Northern New Mexico!
An early example of the architectural style known as “brutalism” in an urban setting.
Xena ponders her next move in the deserts of Southern Utah.
The Winslow, AZ, tourist bureau, inspired by that Eagles song, created this corner. It was the first corner constructed in this part of Arizona.
Xena. Looking particularly leopard-like.


5 Replies to “Southwest Romp”

  1. Amazing scenic videos. is Xena holding the camera while you’re driving, or is she behind the wheel and you’re the cameraman?

  2. Looks like a fabulous trip! Xena appears to be in fine small-panther shape and ready to attack

  3. Like Andrew, I wondered if Xena was driving.
    This is such a gorgeous part of the southwest. Thank you for sharing these
    Views and watching Xena on the hunt. 😎

  4. Re: Xena digs. Is it possible to monetize this glorious ability?

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