An Archeologist’s Dream

Massive steel sculpture of a dragon's head.

Acting on a tip from intrepid explorers Jack and Tres, I have located a mother lode of fossil artifacts. According to legend, a tornado spawned by the Great Blow of 2015 vacuumed up several feet of the desert surface, uncovering magnificently preserved fossils from the distant past. This vast trove will keep fossilologists gainfully employed for a period of time. Read more.

A large steel sculpture of a scorpion behind a white pickup truck of the same size.
Fossil of a prehistoric scorpion of Tacoma size.

Steel sculpture of a man tending a grapevine.
One of our early ancestors engaged in hunter/gatherer behavior. Death caught him in mid-task, suggesting that an immediate catastrophe struck without warning.
Massive steel sculpture of a prehistoric camel and her suckling young.
In prehistoric times, offspring would gain nourishment by forcefully taking glandular secretions from its parent, rather than foraging for its own food.

Vast White Landscape Discovered


I discovered an enormous swath of the Earth covered with sand as white as snow. I call it “White Sands” and it is right off US70 in New Mexico.

As you can observe from the attached photo record of the expedition, “White Sands” reminds one of Tatooine, childhood home of Luke Skywalker.

Xena, Warrior Princess, Stashes Her Toys

Xena, Warrior Princess, hides her toys in my shoes.

In an unanticipated development, Xena, Warrior Princess, has opted to hide her toys in my shoes. When I first discovered a pebble, one of her favorite toys, in my shoe, I assumed some sort of accident placed it there. Now, however, I have found a micro-tennis ball. She clearly is trying to hobble me so I’ll stay home with her.

Finally! Non-GMO Water!

Ha! Whole Foods has outfoxed the Deep State, which is trying to force GMO foods and water on us all. Stock up while you can. Special bonus: it’s also kosher!